Friday, November 25, 2011

Recent Commissions

When you're a freelance artist and art isn't your main professional pursuit, work can be kind of sparse. I have gotten a couple of commission recently though, and they've been fun to work on.

In backwards order, because I have more pictures of the second:

This first set of designs was done for a guy named Jared. He's looking to start a craft business making Viking-style drinking horns, and he wanted to be able to brand both a personal design and a business logo on each horn. His family crest animal is a Northern Goshawk, so he wanted something that would reflect that tradition. These were what we came up with:
Somewhat earlier in the year, I was contacted by a young woman on DeviantART who wanted to commission a tattoo design for her friends. They wanted to get matching tattoos of Celtic wings on their backs, and had seen this design elsewhere:
...but they wanted something a little more traditional Celtic-looking. And for my part (no offense meant to the original artist), I would never ever allow a friend to get anything that looked this sloppy tattooed on their skin.
...I guess that did sound a little offensive. Sorry, anonymous other artist.

Anyway, I came up with the design piece-by-piece:

And finished with the whole thing together.

(By the way, if your interested in using this design or anything like it, contact me first, and I'll put you in touch with the person who commissioned it. Same goes for the logos up above.)

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