Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Boneyard Arts Festival (and aftermath)!

As previously mentioned, the Boneyard Arts Festival took place from 4/19-4/22, and I had my first ever professional art display, including a few of my paintings and drawings, as well as some samples of my jewelry.
Me working my adorably tiny display.  I had a couple of hours on my hands, so I decided to bring my supplies with me and do some live-painting while I was there.
It went pretty well.  Not a ton of people, but I really can't complain too much.  My display was up at the Museum of the Grand Prairie in Mahomet, which is tucked kind of out of the way, and my display was down the hall from the main part of the museum, and on the opposite end from the live music.  Nevertheless, the people I did talk to seemed to like my work, and I did my best to accept compliments graciously (a task at which I am ridiculously inept).  One guy even asked if I was sure I wasn't an illuminator-monk in a past life, to which I had to respond, "no, I'm not sure of that at all."

"Songs of the Hunt" (left), and "Veritas ab Candidas" (right).  I was particularly proud of these.
"The Blank Page triptych"
The newest addition to my collection of art I'd like to sell or otherwise give away - "Religion"  (I really liked how panels 2-4 turned out, but hated panel 1 so much I dropped my intended price by $100 in the hopes that someone would buy it and I wouldn't have to look at it anymore.  No such luck.)
All the varied jewelry (minus the one piece that I sold)
I was sad to end the day saying that I'd only been able to sell one piece of jewelry, but I have to put that in perspective - by this time a year, I had barely ever sold any art, much less had an official display anywhere.

There were other artists there as well, considerably more professional than I:
A pottery guy.  I liked his stuff a lot, but had no money to buy anything.  (Also I never saw him at the event, know.  Moot point.)
The woman who ran this booth (not pictured) offered to sell my art if I ever started using recycled/repurposed materials to make it!  Exciting networking opportunity!

They had a craft thing going on that I didn't participate in, but it looked popular.
This woman paints Christian-themed watercolors.  Not my cup of tea, but she did have some very pretty stuff on display.
There were also a photographer and a painter not pictured here, as well as a live musician who sounded exactly like James Taylor.  So that was pretty cool.

All in all, as with all things, it could have been better but it could have been a whole lot worse.  A valuable experience to have.

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