Friday, April 20, 2012

Boneyard Arts Festival display!!!

I'm in the middle of a totally insane period right now, involving my own final papers/projects as well as helping herd my chimpanzees toward their own final exam and term paper assignment, so I don't have much time to post, but I thought I'd mention this:

My first ever art display is currently up at the Museum of the Grand Prairie, and will be there through the weekend.  I will be at the Museum for their Boneyard Arts Festival event on Sunday, 4/22, from 1-5PM.  (I may not be able to make it to the first hour or so, as I'll hopefully be out buying a house.)  I have three painted/mixed-media pieces, and one drawing, as well as a handful of necklaces and earrings and a binder with photos of some of my digital work.  Go check it out if you're in the neighborhood!

I'll probably make another post after the show to talk about how it went, things I learned, etc.  Though it may have to wait until finals are over.

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